John McCain uses the Georgia crisis as an example of his foreign policy expertise and judgment.
But I say that on the contrary, the Georgia situation is clear example of why McCain is not qualified to be commander in chief.
McCain's first reaction to the Georgia crisis was explosive. We saw aggressiveness, bellicosity and belligerent behavior. He used harsh words, rhetoric and almost insulted Russia for his actions.
Now, regardless if Russia is the bad guy (but remember also that Georgia started the crisis) and regardless if we are suspicious of Russia, do you think is it good judgment to start the process of solving a conflict by insulting one of the parties? Does that show "expertise" in working with international situations and crisis? I don't think so.
As a matter of fact I think it is dangerous to have as commander in chief a person that shows no self control and only shows aggressiveness, bellicosity and belligerent behavior. Do we really want a person with those character traits to be the one with the finger on the button of the most powerful army and nuclear arsenal of the world?
I don't like to take things in isolation, but look it as part of the whole. McCain has an history of aggressive behavior in the Senate, there have been rumors of abusive behavior against his own wife and it has been documented McCain's tendency of always being in conflict against everybody around him: own party, family, colleagues, own campaign, the American people.
McCain fought in Vietnam as a pilot, a war that we could not win. He was shot down, taken prisoner and tortured. He is a war hero and he is respected for that, but those experiences leave psychological damage, scars and traits. McCain has repressed anger and subconsciously wants revenge against those who hurt him. And even though the actual people who hurt him may not be around anymore, they were all communists. So for McCain communists are not only the big enemy of America, communists are also his personal big enemy. The fact those communists Russians attacked a smaller democratic country that also happens to be a U.S. ally, was unbearable for McCain.
According to psychologists, repressed anger can manifests itself in different ways and McCain aggressive behavior is just a typical example of that. His explosive behavior on the Georgia crisis is an example, of not only his mid 20th century cold war mentality, but also an example of an open psychological wound that has not closed and that probably will never close, as long as the "big bad enemy" who hurt him is not punished.
So my question again is do we want someone like that to be our next commander in chief?...
Let me add another piece of the puzzle.
McCain's agrees with Bush over 90% of the time and Bush put us through an unnecessary war wasting 4000+ American lives, tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands of civilian lives) and trillions of dollars.
Now you may be able to see my concerns.
Do we really want someone like McCain in the White House with a history of aggressiveness and bellicose behavior, mentally disturbed, an itching for war, a desire to punish his communists enemies, and his love for George Bush's policies?
A president McCain can very easily put us through World War 3, if he as president faces another Georgia.
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