Liberal, Irreverent

Thursday, August 7, 2008

CNN: McCain: High price of oil one justification for Iraq war vote

That's very convinient Johnny McShame...

After the fact it is very, very easy...

Now that Saddam is not in power and the GOP/Bush/McCain oil friends are strangulating all of us to make a quick buck... it is very very easy...

Of course! Why we did not think of that before...if Saddam Hussein would have still be in power not only he would have blackmailed the US with Iraq's oil...

but also he would have probably staged a 9/11 part deux...maybe on 9/12/2002...

or he would have nuked NYC and D.C. with all the nuclear weapons he was producing...

or gas Wall Street, Chicago and Los Angeles with all the biochemical weapons he had...

or Iraq would have become Al-Queda and Taliban heaven part 2 after Afghanistan...

etc, etc, etc...

The end of the world would have came to us if it wasn't for McCain, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Halliburton, the GOP, 4000+ American lives and 3 trillion dollars of the taxpayer's money that saved the world from big bad Saddam Hussein and his evil plot.

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